But low rates have not yet stimulated the depressed housing market. 但是低利率还没有刺激低迷的房屋市场。
Despite the depressed job market for new college grads in recent years, the fact remains that people who dream big and prove themselves to be indispensable assets to their employers get ahead. 尽管应届毕业生的就业市场很惨淡,然而事实仍旧是,那些志向远大、并且能向老板证明自己价值的人可以获得成功。
By pursuing a deal in a depressed market, he snagged the maker of brakes and landing gear at a bargain price. 他抓住市场低迷的机会,推动公司以优惠价格收购了这家制动器与起落架制造商。
From currently depressed levels, banking is a growth market. 鉴于目前的低迷状态,银行业正处于一个成长型的市场。
A trend in the past year, especially with the depressed market cap of small to medium biotechs, is the straight acquisition of a company rather than entry into an expensive collaboration or license. 另一个趋势是,在当前萧条的市场中让中等的生物技术公司略感希望的是,制药公司现在更倾向全资收购,而不再是代价不菲的合作或授权。
Rio, which paid no interim dividend to cope with$ 39bn in net debt, was hit by a depressed aluminium market. 力拓受到了铝市场低迷的冲击,为应对390亿美元净债务,公司没有派发中期股息。
A huge expansion of global capacity for producing liquefied natural gas is set to bring additional volumes on to an already depressed global market. 全球液化天然气(lng)产能的大规模扩张,将为已处于低迷状态的全球市场带来更多供应。
Similarly, Manhattan has seen prices for the best properties rise 12.3 per cent in the year to June, in stark contrast to the rest of the depressed US housing market. 类似的,截至今年6月的一年,曼哈顿最贵房产的售价上涨12.3%,这与陷入困境的美国其它房地产市场形成了鲜明对比。
Confidence in the depressed market for initial public offerings in Hong Kong and China took another blow yesterday as two recently listed companies dropped below their offer prices. 在香港和中国内地萧条的首次公开发行(ipo)市场,随着两家近期上市的企业在昨日跌破发行价,投资者信心再遭打击。
The West has artificially depressed the market for third world commodities. 西方国家已人为地抑制了对第三世界商品的需求量。
Suspicions that Chinese shares are overvalued have depressed the market. 有关中国股市被高估的猜测打压了市场。
Many MBA students preparing to graduate this year have been labelled unlucky for finishing their degrees just in time to enter a depressed job market. 许多准备在今年毕业的mba学生很不走运,因为他们读完学位之时就业市场正值低迷。
The trend reflects the depressed housing market, the difficulty of obtaining mortgages and the attraction of paying off mortgage debt while interest rates are at historic lows. 该趋势反映了房地产市场的低迷,在利率位于历史低位的情况下难以获取抵押贷款,付清抵押债务的吸引力加大。
Afternoon, banking stocks released collective force, leading a series of strong rebounce by big-index stocks, and improving depressed mood in the market. 午后,银行股集体发力,领引了一波由大指标股强力的反弹态势,市场低落情绪有所改善。
That gives them the balance sheet strength to take advantage of the depressed asset prices globally to make acquisitions and gain market share. 这赋予了它们资产负债方面的强势,可以利用全球资产价格下跌之机进行收购,获取市场份额。
The International Accounting Standards Board will today consider adjusting its rules to make it easier for banks to reclassify some of their holdings and account for more financial instruments at cost rather than at their depressed market value. 国际会计准则委员会(internationalaccountingstandardsboard)今日将考虑调整会计规则,以降低银行对一些资产进行重新归类的难度,将更多金融工具按成本而非按被压低的市场价值计价。
Inflation and a rebound in interest rates from the current depressed levels are the medium-term concerns for the market. 另外,通货膨胀和自当前低迷水平反弹的利率是市场中期关注的重点。
The depressed market results in the stagnation of trade. 市场萧条导致贸易停滞。
Bernardo bortolotti, Professor of business studies at the University of Turin and an author of the study, said: "you can start to think of selling in a depressed market but generally you are better to wait." 意大利都灵大学(universityofturin)商学研究教授、上述研究的作者之一贝尔纳多博尔托洛蒂(bernardobortolotti)说:“市场不景气的时候,你当然可以开始考虑出售,但通常来说,等一等会更好。”
The absence of credit not only disturbed well-balanced order of the market, increased the exchange cost, depressed the market efficiency, but also became an important factor of hindering more development of our country's economy. 信用的缺失不但扰乱了正常的市场秩序,提高了市场交易成本,减弱了市场功能的正常发挥,降低了市场效率,而且成为阻碍我国经济进一步发展的重要因素。
The decrease of the sum of venture investment and yield rate reflect the affection of the depressed macroeconomics 、 the unstable capital market and the limited ways to exit. 风险投资总额和收益率的下降反映出低迷的宏观经济、动荡的资本市场和有限的退出渠道的影响。
The depressed state of China's oil market in 1994 was a direct result of the excessive import of oil products. 1994年我国油品市场疲软的直接原因是油品进口过多,而宏观调控措施、现行石油价格管理办法、消费者对石油调价的预期、投机和成品油走私活动等也对市场产生了一定影响。
Under the fund and depressed situation of whole stock market of our country, the open-funded funds faces the enormous pressure of redeeming. 在我国基金以及整个股市不景气的情况下,开放式基金面临着巨大的赎回压力。
In the new stage, how to lead consumption reasonably to promote economic growth all-round has become the key to solve depressed consumption and market in practical economic life. 在新的形势下,怎样合理引导消费,以促进经济全面增长已日益上升为解决现实经济生活中消费低迷,市场疲软的关键。
But it's an undeniable facts that Feng Xiaogang do a lot to save the depressed status quo of Chinese commercial movie market and his movie do compete with those Hollywood movies. 但不可否认的是冯小刚对于挽救中国商业电影市场的低靡现状尤其是在与国外进口大片的抗衡中所做的贡献是不可抹杀的。
Several years Dazhai was depressed, however, the reform of the agricultural management system was far from over. Reconstructive actions of cooperative system began with the development of market economy. 几年的消沉,然而农业经营体制的改革远远没有结束.随着市场经济的发展,把农民组织起来,重建合作制的行动又开始展开。
The cost of the production is increased and the competition is depressed in international market by the high price of machine. 如此高的价格大大地提高了国内企业的生产成本,降低了产品在国际市场上的竞争力。
In the face of a depressed stock market and the ever-changing foreign exchange market, the lack of theoretical expertise of the people appeared to be inadequate, but the demand for professional financial is expanding. 在面对一蹶不振的股市和风云变幻的汇市时,缺乏理论专业知识的老百姓显得力不从心,但对专业理财的需求却在不断膨胀。
At current stage, the rural finance market in depressed area in China has to be confronted with new challenges due to the adjustment of rural economic structure, while sharing the common market failure problem with other developing countries. 现阶段,中国贫困地区农村金融市场既面临着与其他发展中国家相同的市场失灵问题,又因农村经济结构的转变而面临着新的挑战。